435 Ponti e qualche scorciatoia by David Horvitz
25 November 7pm at San Rocco Church.
Matilde and Lucio next performances of Igor Stravinsky 3 Easy Pieces – Curated by SIlvia Guerra, adapted for the pipe organ by maestro Massimo Bisson.
Free admission!
27 novembre: Concert of Coral – Chamber Music
Channing School
from London
16.00 pm Chiesa di San Rocco
Free entrance
13th and 14th October: “Progetto Beethoveen 2020”
at the Sala Capitolare of the Scuola Grande di San Rocco at 6.00 pm
The complete piano sonatas
Letizia Michielon (piano).
see the program
August 16th: Feast of Saint Roch
The body of the saint, patron of the city of Venice, lies since 3 March 1490 in the church of San Rocco.